
Field Trips

Field Trip Reservations

Bring your group and escape to a fun and educational adventure through our different continents. Learn about our animals of Africa, Americas, and Asia! 
Play around a little on the tree house and make a splash at the splash pad. 
Join us and have a ZOOper experience!

Who qualifies as a school group?

LICENSED child daycare, head start pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, primary, secondary, high school, home school, special education, and higher education (Universities/Community Colleges).

General Information

Have one adult chaperone for every 10 students (elementary – college)
Have one adult chaperone for every 5 students (pre-kindergarten & kindergarten)
Have one adult chaperone for every special needs student

Make a reservation at least three weeks in advance; accommodations under three weeks may not be possible

Group admission is $5.00 per student and $7.50 per chaperone/teacher/higher education student. Any additional adults will pay the regular zoo admission price. Reservation is required to receive a group rate.

If more than one classroom is included on the reservation it will be considered ONE group unless separate reservations are submitted.

Ideal class size is 30-35 students and may possibly include touch (depending on animal temperament, participants ages, and overall group demeanor).

For groups larger than 35, an alternative assembly program will be provided in the outdoor Wildlife Amphitheater. Touch cannot be provided for assembly programs.

Field trips are available Wednesday- Sunday except for designated Zoo event blackout dates and City holidays.

El Paso Zoological Society Memberships and promotional tickets are not valid in conjunction with school group reservations.


Reservation can be paid with cash, credit card, purchase order, or by school check (valid ID required).

Have ONE group leader who will collect ALL money and make ONE payment for the whole group on the reservation upon entrance. Anyone who does not enter WITH the group will be charged the full admission price.

Purchase orders are due 10 business days before the visit.


  1. Buses will be directed where to unload.
  2. School will be greeted by security who will line the group up for a final count. Once the count is done, a slip will be given to the group leader to take to the cashier for payment.
  3. Groups should assign ONE leader who will have collected all of the group’s admission BEFORE arriving at the Zoo. A SINGLE PAYMENT PER RESERVATION IS REQUIRED.


  1. Group leader will notify security when the group is getting ready to depart.
  2. Security will notify the bus driver and direct the driver where to park.
  3. Students will be lined up at the front gate runway.
  4. Once all students board, the bus will be directed to exit through the front exit.

Visit Add-Ons

Additions require 3 week reservation and 10-day advance payment.
This is paid ahead of and separately from the field trip reservation.


Groups may purchase meals with a reservation, meals must be paid 10 days in advance and are paid separately from field trip reservations. Animeals can be paid with cash, credit card, or by school check (valid ID required).

Cost $9.00

Adult Meals Include: Bottled water and a cookie.
Student Meals Include: Juice pouch, fruit, and a cookie.

If you would like to add meals, please enter the number of each type when indicated on the reservation form. Please be aware that a minimum order of 25 plates per item is necessary when selecting multiple options.

Zoo Adventure Programs

To ensure the availability of staff and education animals, please reserve your ZAP at least 2-3 weeks in advance.

Zoo Adventure Curriculum Programs are fun Field Trip Upgrades. These outdoor classroom programs last approximately 45 minutes in either the Zoo’s Wildlife Amphitheater or the new Lobo Vista Classroom.

Ideal class size is 30-35 students. For groups larger than 35, an alternative assembly style program will be provided. Touch will not be provided for assembly programs.

You can request one of the following programs at the end of our registration form.

Animal Wrappers Grades | Grades: Day Care, Head Start & Pre-K, 1,2, 3
Our World our Friend | Grades: K-12
Animals of the Chihuahuan Desert | Grades: 3-12
Venomous Animals | Grades: 4-12
Careers at the Zoo | Grades: 4-12
The Yucca Mystery | Grades: 4-8
Creature Features | Grades: 4-12

Cost $3.00 per student (unless otherwise specified). Subject to availability. May be subject to cancellation.

View lesson frames, closing tasks, and additional info about our ZAP programs.

Learn More

Questions? Comments?

For assistance with general reservation guidance and questions, please email your inquiries to [email protected]

For curriculum, TEKS, or STEAM-related questions, please contact an education specialist at [email protected].

Register Today

Field trips are available Wednesday - Sunday except for designated Zoo event blackout dates and City holidays.

Spring Break blackout dates: March 6-March 17

Make A Reservation